Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Pregnant pause

Monday, December 28, 2009
Uncle Jal and the Air Gun Incident

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
The C-Food Diet

Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Happy Holidays
You know it's Christmas when boys at traffic lights pester you to buy Red felt Santa hats with white pig tails or when all the window displays have cotton wool snow and Santa's reindeer pulling sleigh loads of goodies. With thermacole snow flakes dangling from ceilings and green and red buntings all over the place, radio stations playing Christmas songs, it is hard to miss the fact that Christmas is just two days away.
I love going around town seeing the elaborate Christmas trees and decorations in the shops and hotels in my city. I love going down to the garden to listen to the the Salvation Army's Christmas Carols. I love visiting friends and sharing a glass of wine and Christmas cake or pudding.
Perhaps it is the end of the year which makes Christmas universally appealing or perhaps happiness and joy are just contagious.
Whatever it may be, I'd like to share this joke that I got in the email last week and wish all of you a happy festive season :
FROM: Patty Lewis, Human Resources Director
TO: All Employees
DATE: Nov. 1, 2009
RE: Gala Christmas Party
I'm happy to inform you that the company Christmas Party will take place on December 23rd, starting at noon in the private function room at the Grill House. There will be a cash bar and plenty of drinks! We'll have a small band playing traditional carols... feel free to sing along. And don't be surprised if our CEO shows up dressed as Santa Claus! A Christmas tree will be lit at 1:00 PM. Exchanges of gifts among employees can be done at that time; however, no gift should be over $10.00 to make the giving of gifts easy for everyone's pockets. This gathering is only for employees!
Our CEO will make a special announcement at that time!
Merry Christmas to you and your family,
Company Memo
FROM: Patty Lewis, Human Resources Director
TO: All Employees
DATE: Nov. 2, 2009
RE: Gala Holiday Party
In no way was yesterday's memo intended to exclude our Jewish employees. We recognize that Hanukkah is an important holiday, which often coincides with Christmas, though unfortunately not this year. However, from now on, we're calling it our "Holiday Party." The same policy applies to any other employees who are not Christians and to those still celebrating Reconciliation Day. There will be no Christmas tree and no Christmas carols will be sung. We will have other types of music for your enjoyment.
Happy now?
Happy Holidays to you and your family,
Company Memo
FROM: Patty Lewis, Human Resources Director
TO: All Employees
DATE: Nov 3, 2009
Regarding the note I received from a member of Alcoholics Anonymous requesting a non-drinking table, you didn't sign your name. I'm happy to accommodate this request, but if I put a sign on a table that reads, "AA Only", you wouldn't be anonymous anymore. How am I supposed to handle this?
And sorry, but forget about the gift exchange, no gifts are allowed since the union members feel that $10.00 is too much money and the executives believe $10.00 is a little chintzy.
Company Memo
FROM: Patty Lewis, Human Resources Director
To: All Employees
DATE: Nov 4, 2009
RE: Generic Holiday Party
What a diverse group we are! I had no idea that December 20th begins the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which forbids eating and drinking during daylight hours. There goes the party! Seriously, we can appreciate how a luncheon at this time of year does not accommodate our Muslim employees' beliefs. Perhaps the Grill House can hold off on serving your meal until the end of the party or else package everything for you to take it home in little foil doggy baggy. Will that work?
Meanwhile, I've arranged for members of Weight Watchers to sit farthest from the dessert buffet, and pregnant women will get the table closest to the restrooms.
Gays are allowed to sit with each other. Lesbians do not have to sit with Gay men, each group will have their own table.
Yes, there will be flower arrangement for the Gay men's table.
To the person asking permission to cross dress, the Grill House asks that no cross-dressing be allowed, apparently because of concerns about confusion in the restrooms. Sorry.
We will have booster seats for short people.
Low-fat food will be available for those on a diet.
I am sorry to report that we cannot control the amount of salt used in the food . The Grill House suggests that people with high blood pressure taste a bite first.
There will be fresh "low sugar" fruits as dessert for diabetics, but the restaurant cannot supply "no sugar" desserts. Sorry!
Did I miss anything?!?!?
Company Memo
FROM: Patty Lewis, Human Resources Director
TO: All F*%^ing Employees
DATE: Nov 5, 2009
RE: The F*%^ing Holiday Party
I've had it with you vegetarian pricks!!! We're going to keep this party at the Grill House whether you like it or not, so you can sit quietly at the table furthest from the "grill of death," as you so quaintly put it, and you'll get your f*%^ing salad bar, including organic tomatoes. But you know, tomatoes have feelings, too.. They scream when you slice them. I've heard them scream. I'm hearing them scream right NOW!
The rest of you f*%^ing wierdos can kiss my *ss. I hope you all have a rotten holiday!
Drive drunk and die,
The B*tch from H*ll!!!
Company Memo
FROM: Joan Bishop, Acting Human Resources Director
DATE: Nov 6, 2009
RE: Patty Lewis and Holiday Party
I'm sure I speak for all of us in wishing Patty Lewis a speedy recovery and I'll continue to forward your cards to her.
In the meantime, management has decided to cancel our Holiday Party and give everyone the afternoon of the 23rd off with full pay.
Happy Holidays!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Dining with Grandpa

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Clothes maketh the man
Euer maner and clothyng makyth man.
[a 1400 Prov. Wisdom l. 59 in Archiv (1893) XC. 245]
Ffor clothyng oft maketh man.
[c 1445 Peter Idley's Instructions to his Son (1935) i. 82]
Though manners makes, yet apparell shapes.
[1591 J. Florio Second Fruits 115]
The Hood makes not the Monke, nor the apparrell the man.
[1617 R. Greene Alcida B3]
Clothes gave us individuality, distinctions, social polity. Clothes have made men of us.
[1836 Carlyle Sartor i. v.]
Still, it did happen—and it goes some way to show that clothes make the man, doesn't it?
[1933 J. Hilton Lost Horizon 3]
Gem of the day (credit Mark Twain): Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.
[2001 Washington Post 17 Dec. C12]
Friday, December 11, 2009
Tiger's Travails - Pedestal to Pillory
What does Tiger Woods have in common with a baby seals?
They both get clubbed by Norwegians.
That’s the first time Tiger Woods has failed to drive 300 yards
Tiger Woods crashed into a fire hydrant and a tree ... he couldn't decide between a wood and an iron.
Perhaps Tiger should have used a driver
I find it's a nightmare driving at 2.05am: sometimes you can't see the Woods for the trees.
Tiger's wife went for him over a birdie.
What was the second worst part of Tiger's car accident?
What were Tiger Woods and his wife doing out at 2.30 in the morning?
What’s the difference between a car and a golf ball?
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Excuse me ?

p.s On the 18th of last month, I was flying into LA to meet with John Burnham of ICM to discuss the possibility of making "Lucky Everyday" into a film. While boarding the aircraft at Dubai, I was surprised to find TIGER WOODS walking ahead of me! Instinctively, I gave him a hesitant smile of recognition and he politely smiled back. We got talking and I was impressed by how charming, unassuming and gentlemanly he was. He even autographed my book. So, when the news broke last week that he was a cheating husband, I was shocked beyond belief that he was the Casanova he confessed to being.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
An Indian in America
Do you think she is any different from Viki?
While you ponder, I would like to share this joke I received in my mail today.
An Indian migrated to America, and moved into an American neighborhood; His American neighbor went next door to wish him welcome.
He was shocked to see the man from India in his nice backyard chasing ten chickens around like mad.
"Must be an Indian custom," he thought to himself. Deciding he could put off the welcome till a later date, he went home.
The next day, he decided he was going to welcome the Indian man again.
When he looked through his window, he saw the Indian man urinate into a cup and drink it. "Must be an Indian custom," he thought to himself.
Deciding he could put off the welcome till tomorrow, he went on with other stuff.
The third day, he was determined he had to welcome the Indian man. At his gate, he saw the Indian man with his ear pressed against a cow's big fat butt.
The Indian man looked confused and answered. "Sorry sir, I think you are mistaken.
These are actually American customs. I was told that in order to be a true American, you have to chase chicks, get piss drunk, and listen to bullshit."
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Tea time at the hospital

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
A Disengagement Dilemma
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Weighty matters : facts and figures
Now, before you scroll down to look at her pictures, get a mental image of what you think a woman who weighs 320 looks like...
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The Secret ot Life
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Wise Men and Elephants
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Managing life singlehandedly
Friday, November 13, 2009
Warding off the evil eye

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Wishful thinking

Sunday, November 8, 2009
A Lucky Escape

Monday, October 26, 2009
Code of Thieves
Friday, October 23, 2009
Bedside manners
"Well, neither did I. But he's rich, and he's really good with the children."
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Nursing story
Several years ago when I was hospitalised for a minor surgery, I used to get annoyed by my nurse who insisted on waking me up for my pills.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Happy Diwali

Thursday, October 15, 2009
A proverbial Quiz
- Look before ___ leap
- Make hay while the ___ shines.
- Money is the root of ___ evil
- Nothing succeeds ___ success.
- The bigger they are, the ___ they fall.
- Opportunity seldom knocks ___.
- Rats desert a sinking ___.
- The early bird ___ the worm.
- Still waters run ___.
- The best things in life are ___.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Exercising Officially
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Comparing Yoga and drinking - what a joke !
Position of total relaxation.
Position that brings the sensation of peace and calm.
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
This position calms the brain and heals tired legs.
Position stimulates the midirift area and the spinal comumn.
Excelent for back pain and imsomnia.
Excelent for the shoulder area, thorax, legs, and arms.
Great excersice to stimulate the lumbar area, legs, and arms.
Ananda Balasana
This position is great for masaging the hip area.
This position, for ankles and back muscles.
Tones the body, and builds flexibility and helps get rid of 'stress'.
Friday, October 9, 2009
The Parsi Sari

The original gara had silk floss embroidery in white and occasionally in pastel shades on sal gajji silk, which was generally purple, red and black in colour. The embroidery was delicate and colour nuanced; often as many as 20-30 shades of a single colour thread were used to express one flower! The stitches were satin stitch with variations of extended, bound, voided and embossed as well as French knots. The Gujarat mochi stitch and zardosi from the Deccan were also incorporated while ari is now being used. A gara can take up to a year to create with many embroiderers working on one frame. Each is a “specialist” in one motif, which could be floral, a butterfly, bird…
However the symbols and motifs of each gara tell a story. The fleeing Parsis brought Persian symbols like the cypress tree, chakla chakli or contradictory birds, represented with delicacy. The Zoroastrian culture’s reverence for nature represented by trees and flowers, plant and fish life, the divine fungus, the bird of paradise and 30 flowers representing as many angels are other significant motifs while the lotus and peacock brings the fragrance of the Indian soil in which Parsi culture blossomed. While the Raj flavour incorporated floral baskets, the Chinese pheria stitched in vignettes of Chinese court life, beautiful gardens and flowers such as peony, rose, chrysanthemum... Some or all these motifs fill up a typical gara or jhablawith an overriding feel of harmony, richness, grandeur and delicacy.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Being in someone's shoes

Sunday, October 4, 2009
Shopping at Mangaldas Market.

Thursday, October 1, 2009
How to Make Butter Chicken
To Make Butter Chicken
Butter Chicken Recipe. A delicious chicken dish that can be made as hot or as mild as you wish - a perfect meal for curry lovers who want to keep it simple. Taste our Butter Chicken recipe.
- Weights & Measures:
- Serves:
- 4
- Preparation Time:
- 20 minutes
- Cooking Time:
- 20 minutes
You will need…
- 2 chicken breasts, cut into chunks
- 2 tbsp vegetable oil
- 2 tbsp butter
- 1 onion, chopped
- ¼ tsp cinnamon
- 1 tsp garlic, crushed
- 1 tsp ginger, crushed
- ½ tsp ground turmeric
- 1 tsp chilli powder
- 2 tbsp ground almonds
- 220 g can of whole peeled tomatoes
- 1 tbsp tomato paste
- 1 tbsp natural yoghurt
- 2 tbsp fresh coriander or spinach, chopped
- salt
- pepper
- 1 large frying pan
- 1 spoon
- 1 tray
- Step 1:
Season the chicken.
- Begin by seasoning the chicken with a generous sprinkling of salt and pepper.
- Step 2:
Heat the oil and begin to fry the chicken.
- Using a large frying pan, heat the vegetable oil and add the chicken.
- Step 3:
Fry for 3-4 minutes.
- Fry the chicken for 3-4 minutes until it turns a golden-brown colour.
- Step 4:
Remove the chicken.
- Take the chicken out of the frying pan and put it aside.
- Step 5:
Melt the butter.
- Use the same frying pan to melt the butter.
- Step 6:
Fry the onion with the cinnamon.
- Now add the onion and cinnamon and fry together in the pan.
- Step 7:
Add the remaining ingredients.
- At this point add the crushed garlic, crushed ginger, turmeric, chilli powder, almonds, peeled tomatoes, tomato paste and the natural yoghurt. Stir all of the ingredients together and mix thoroughly.
- Step 8:
Bring to the boil and cook.
- Bring the ingredients to a boil and stir for 4-5 minutes. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
- Step 9:
Add the chicken.
- Put the chicken back into the pan and combine with the other ingredients.
- Step 10:
Add the fresh coriander.
- To compliment the dish, add the coriander (or fresh spinach if you prefer) and mix with the sauce.
- Step 11:
Serve while streaming and eat up!
- Spoon the chicken and the sauce onto a large serving dish and serve with rice and naan bread. A perfect curry dish that goes down well with an icy Asian beer.