Monday, October 26, 2009

Code of Thieves

An hour or so after the doctor left, two policemen came in. They wanted a brief statement. Had lucky seen her assailant? Yes. Did she want to sign a complaint? Yes. ( P.152)

Lucky had been assaulted and her bag had been taken away from her. Unfortunately in this day and age, bag snatching is quite a common urban crime . I too once had my bag snatched from me in the middle of a crowded street and was left shocked and standing helplessly looking at the thief run away.

Fortunately, I didn't have much stuff in my purse but I knew that my driver's licence , a few credit cards , club membership cards and loyalty cards were in the wallet. After I reported the crime to the local police station, a friend told me that within days my purse would be returned to me without the cash but with all other things intact.

Seeing my look of disbelief she told me that she had had a similar experience and eventually her purse did come back minus the cash. "It is the code of thieves," she explained to me. "They don't really want to inconvenience you. They just want the cash!"

Hardly expecting to get back my purse let alone the contents, I proceeded with cancelling the cards and getting a new drivers' licence and new identity cards made for the various clubs and organisations I belonged to.

Just when my new credit card arrived, I found a funny looking envelope in my mail box. I opened it and found all my stolen credit cards and licence returned to me!!!

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